Thursday, April 12, 2012

OpenStack announcement & #cloudchat today!

Big announcement today about IBM and the OpenStack Foundation. OpenStack enhances the IBM SmartCloud Foundation offerings by expanding support for different hypervisors at the IaaS Cloud layer. It uses standards such as TOSCA and Linked Data to integrate workload optimization and deployment simplification higher in the cloud management stack.

You can learn more about the OpenStack Foundation at

Today's #cloudchat (April 12) will discuss the newly announced OpenStack Foundation. Join from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on Twitter. Panelists will be:
  • Rackspace’s VP Business & Corporate Development Mark Collier 
  • IBM’s VP Standards Angel Diaz 
Here is how the #cloudchat works:
  • What: A tweetchat is an online conversation held at a pre-arranged time following a specific hashtag, in this case #cloudchat. You will need a Twitter ID to take part. 
  • When: Thursday, April 12, at 4 p.m. ET, repeating the 2nd Thursday of every month at 4 p.m. ET. 
  • Where: The chat can be followed on Twitter using the hashtag #cloudchat. Alternatively, log on and access the chat on twebevent. A recap will be posted on this blog the following Friday. 
  • Why: To facilitate additional industry dialogue and provide a forum for questions, idea sharing, and problem solving. We want your input on what you’d like to discuss during future chats, so please leave a comment on this post or tweet @ibmcloud with topic ideas. 
  • Who: Anyone and everyone is welcome to join! 
Get more info at

Also check out these articles:

Follow @ibmcloud and @openstack for up-to-the-minute tweets from IBM and OpenStack members.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

IBM Technical World for Smarter Computing

IBM Technical World for Smarter Computing 

featuring Cloud, Power Systems and System z 

April 16-19, 2012

San Francisco, CA

IBM Technical World for Smarter Computing

Very excited about speaking at this show next week! I will be giving these talks on cloud computing:
  • cBU09 – Birds of a Feather: Cloud and Social Media – Tuesday 10:30 - Franciscan C
  • cBU06 – Planning Your Cloud Education – Wednesday 1:00 - Union Square 1/2
  • cBU07 – An IBM Cloud Offering Decoder – Wednesday 2:30;
    repeat Thursday 9:00 - Union Square 1/2
 I also plan on doing some live social media reporting. Look for my tweets @mirv_pgh.